select product_id,survey_date+interval '1 DAYS'

 select * from (

    select *,

    case when last_week_avg_price=0 then 0 else (this_week_avg_price-last_week_avg_price)/last_week_avg_price*100 end  ringvalue,
    (select sum(cast(this_day_trading as double)) from dr_information_items  where good_id=v.good_id and date_week=to_char(to_date(#{surveyDateWeek},'yyyy-MM-dd')+interval '-7 DAYS', 'yyyy-mm-dd') group by good_id,date_week) lastWeekTrading

    min( id,
    items.cateid AS class_code,
    min(items.good_name) AS class_name,
    min(items.good_id) AS good_id,
    min(items.product) AS product,
    sum(items.this_day_count_price) AS this_week_price,
    sum(cast(items.this_day_trading as double)) AS this_day_trading,
    case when sum(cast(items.this_day_trading as double))=0 then avg(items.last_week_avg_price)  else  sum(items.this_day_count_price)/sum(cast(items.this_day_trading as double)) end this_week_avg_price ,
    avg(items.last_week_avg_price) AS last_week_avg_price,
    min(items.unit) AS unit,
    max(u.user_name) shop_number
    FROM dr_information_items items
    left JOIN dr_information dr ON = items.infomationid
    left JOIN sys_user u on LTrim(RTrim(items.create_by))=cast(LTrim(RTrim(u.user_name)) as text)
    WHERE  items.date_week IS NOT NULL AND dr.status =#{status}
    <if test="marketId != null  and marketId != ''">
        and dr.market_id=#{marketId}
    <if test="surveyDateWeek != null">
        and to_date(items.date_week,'YYYY-MM-DD')=#{surveyDateWeek}
    GROUP BY items.date_week, items.cateid
    ) v
    ) t where 1=1
    <if test="classCode != null">
        and LEFT(class_code,4)=#{classCode}
    <if test="ringvalue != null">
        and ringvalue <![CDATA[ >= ]]> #{ringvalue}


    select  id,class_id class_code,name class_name,'' good_id,'' product,null this_week_price,null this_day_trading,null this_week_avg_price,null last_week_avg_price,'' unit,'' shop_number,null ringvalue,null lastWeekTrading

    from dr_lybase_class where  LEFT(class_id,4)=#{classCode}  and LENGTH(class_id)=8 and  LEFT(class_id,8)  in (select LEFT(cateid,8) from   dr_information_items
     where  to_date(date_week,'YYYY-MM-DD')=#{surveyDateWeek})

    order by class_code

标签: none


  • 测试信息
  • 拼多多2023年度财报分析
  • 2023年最后一个工作日
  • 2023山东社会责任企业(企业家)” 推选活动结果
  • 测试信息
  • 测试信息
  • 测试信息